705 W. 4th Street

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Shortly after rehabilitating 401 Mississippi Street (a 2014 PIP Award winner) in the historic Pinckney Neighborhood, Jeff Jackson set his sights on the 1920 bungalow next door. He purchased the home at 705 W. 4th Street in 2020, after it had sat vacant for 17 years, and exactly 100 years after it was built. All utilities had been shut off years before. There were no gutters. An infestation of mold had blossomed in the basement and many a raccoon, bird, and flea had enjoyed the space over the years. The house was pretty much trashed.

It was a welcome challenge. Over a period of 10 months and with a crew of three workers, Jeff painstakingly balanced the preservation of many of the home’s original features with the realities of bringing the house up to code and making it fresh and ready for new residents. The original siding was restored, the stone foundation was repointed and the original windows were repaired and reglazed. Interior work included the repair of original plaster, the refinishing of the original pine flooring and the repair and refinishing of all original wood trim.

Of course, every historic rehab comes with peculiarities. The south upstairs bedroom featured a door opening onto a 25-foot drop to the ground. Jeff thought this was a very interesting detail, so he decided to refinish and prominently display the door to nowhere! Silliness aside, the rehabilitation of 705 W. 4th is a great example of residential preservation carried out by a Lawrencian with an interest in the well-being of the city’s historic neighborhoods. LPA applauds Jeff’s hard work and dedication.