340 N. Michigan Street
Please join us for a special showing to LPA members of the Judge Stephens House (1868), hosted by Jeff Allen. Jeff’s parents, George and Betty, moved into this historic house in 1949. The Allens were longtime LPA members until their passing in 2007 and 2013, respectively.
This generous invitation from the Betty S. Allen Trust will showcase a property which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, but may be less well-known to most Lawrencians than similar historic properties located in established neighborhoods. The large brick structure with a full basement sits on a stone foundation and has beautiful wood trim and an elegant central staircase. An original stone barn with post and beam construction also sits on the property.
This property is now for sale, and interested parties can contact Jeff Allen at jallen@sunflower.com. Visit judgestephenshouse.com for photos and further details. Don’t miss this special showing that is available to you because of your membership in LPA!