Get Involved
If you are passionate about preserving Lawrence’s rich historical resources, become a member and help us further the cause of historic preservation throughout Lawrence and Douglas County. As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) membership organization, the Lawrence Preservation Alliance depends on your support to help further our mission.
The LPA is always looking for volunteers to help support our organization. Contact us to find out how you can help.
Membership levels
Individual, $20
Household, $30
Contributor, $50
Supporter, $100
Patron $250
LPA Volunteers at work on 814 New Jersey St.
Donate Now
Your contributions are always welcome! You may donate in honor of someone special, or to support a specific initiative.
Members at each level of support receive the following benefits:
Subscription to Lawrence Preservation, the LPA’s seasonal newsletter that keeps you informed on preservation issues, events and activities
Invitations to LPA events, home tours, and workshops
An invitation to our bi-annual LPA Awards event
An Invitation to our annual LPA members meeting
Satisfaction that you are saving Lawrence’s historic resources for generations to come
Memberships are tax deductible