The Lawrence Preservation Alliance is excited to announce a mid-autumn afternoon walking tour of the historic Haskell campus as part of our Annual Meeting of membership.
The Annual Meeting will be held Sunday, Oct. 1, from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence.
Stephen Prue, Executive Assistant to President Venida Chenault, will be our guide, along with several ambassadors representing student clubs. The tour will include a number of historic buildings, and will also take us inside several of them for special looks at artifacts and works of art. It ends inside the old auditorium, where we will hold a very brief business meeting.
Did we say we are excited? How could we make such an understatement?! We will be working with Stephen over the coming weeks to plan a great afternoon and provide you more details, but all you have to do right now is mark your calendars…you won’t want to miss this special event!