Raise a Toast to 40 Years of LPA at the Site that Started it All!
/Join Lawrence Preservation Alliance on Friday, May 17th at 7PM for a celebratory toast and Old House Warming to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of LPA! This event will take place at 947 Louisiana Street, the home that started it all.
In 1984, a handful of neighborhood leaders, alarmed at the pace of old house demolitions and threatened public properties downtown and in historic core neighborhoods, came together to stop this house from facing the same fate. Incorporated as a non-profit under the laws of the State of Kansas on May 17, the newly formed LPA, combining 25 personal loans from supporters, had this property purchased within a few short weeks, and on the road to recovery. Now, after years of hard work and community-building by countless board members and annual members, we look up and see that LPA is forty years young!
This is a free but members-only event, open to paid members of Lawrence Preservation Alliance. To help with our planning, it's important for all who attend to register at givebutter.com/LPA40thToast.
Not a member currently? Go to the registration site, click "Donate & Tickets" and pay a $20 membership fee. We will see you there!
Friday, May 17, 7PM
947 Louisiana