In September 2012, the Lawrence Preservation Alliance purchased the Turnhalle (pronounced ‘Turnhalluh’) building at 900 Rhode Island Street with the idea that LPA would serve as an interim owner that could halt the building’s deterioration, which had reached dangerous levels. Over the course of the next two years, LPA worked tirelessly to stabilize the structure, prepare a plan for the building’s rehabilitation, provide protection for the property in the future, and find an experienced buyer who could complete the rehab. On December 2, 2014, LPA closed the sale of the Turnhalle to Flint Hills Holding Group LLC (Tony Krsnich, principal). Mr. Krsnich has rehabilitated the Poehler Building and the Cider Gallery in Lawrence, as well as larger projects elsewhere, and he has extensive experience in utilizing federal and state historic tax credits to help breathe new life into historic structures.
Built in 1869, the Turnhalle served as the center of German-American life in Lawrence until the outbreak of World War I. It was here that Lawrence’s German immigrants gathered for community events, socialized in the beer garden, and utilized the building’s physical fitness center. As the home of the Lawrence chapter of Turnverein, a German club that emphasized gymnastics, the building was outfitted with gymnastics equipment. Many of those that frequented the Turnhalle, including community leaders and prominent business owners, lived near the building on the western edge of East Lawrence. Today, it is the oldest standing community building in Lawrence- predating the sanctuary of Plymouth Congregational Church by a year.
The Project
In 2012, Turnhalle owner Rod Ernst (Ernst Hardware) agreed to sell the building to LPA. The Enrst family were members of the Lawrence Turnverein, and had owned the building since 1938. After three months of negotiating the sale, LPA took ownership of the building and began mapping out a plan. The project outline involved completing necessary repairs to stabilize the exterior of the building, conducting an Historic Structures Report (HSR), placing a protective easement on the building to ensure it would be preserved in perpetuity, and finally, transferring ownership to a sympathetic organization or private buyer who would adhere to the easement and complete the recommendations outlined in the HSR.
This first phase, stabilization work was funded by a $125,000 Natural and Cultural Heritage Program grant from the Douglas County Commission. Additionally, LPA received several small grants to commission the Historic Structures Report, which was completed by Treanor Architects. This report documented the building’s character-defining features, and it provided a sequence of repairs to use as a roadmap for rehabilitating the building.